Our Association entrusts cats only to residents in the area

Here we want to explain why our association entrusts cats only to residents in the area apologiing and we hope that our distant friends will understand.

A-Mici of Latina

As you know our policy is super-safe adoptions, although many do not agree, we think that saving a kitty without then requiring certainty to 100% that is well, is almost useless.
So let’s talk about adoptions far, or even abroad.
We are always a little reluctant, even in Italy, if it is long distances, unless there is a really great opportunity for the Mici.
There are many problems.
These are cats that live inside and out, it’s like they have a house, they go out when they want, they are repaired but they are safe. No dogs, no cars, no evil humans…
This means, however, that we do not know if only in the House would fit, perhaps, but the certainty no one has.
Moreover, not knowing any danger can not strictly, categorically stand outside without a garden in safety! They’re not used.
We also say that 80% of them have a bashful, wild, even aggressive character.
We’ve been struggling for months with some cats to be able to sterilize them.
When they’re sick we have no choice but to put them a few days in a cage after having laboriously caught them…
So imagine a cat so scary in a new environment?
If he has the chance he will escape to 100% hiding somewhere.
They are little with humans, we spend a lot of time cleaning and putting in place but we can not devote ourselves to them as a cat who lives in the house with his family.
They are very much tied, even the males not yet castrated… not even fight!
As children do not need the human attention of the rest, our females, even if the small are not theirs, they occupy it to 100%
So they play, they have their care and companionship, space…
And understandably that apart from extremely affectionate cases, they do not seek the human company… He doesn’t need it!
Moreover, they are often manipulated by us to give him medicines and end up associating us almost only with that.

We do not know how they would be without at least another cat or two, those that we have had with fatigue have never had more than 6/7 months, tend because the big are not even looked at.

For these reasons, however if it were necessary, if we do not adapt we are immediately ready to take them back!
But if you are in the hundreds of miles how do you do it?
We are having millions of difficulties, we certainly for our economic situation… But we can’t let them take a trip too long.

Because it could happen that the cats die of stress or fear.

They are not like the cats of the house, accustomed maybe to come out often to go to the vet.

A lot of them never came out of here in a carrier.
Imagine yourself being put up all of a sudden, closed for hours on a trip and going out to a completely foreign place with strangers… without knowing why.
How would you feel?

Besides, no controls you can’t. And if it is already difficult in our vicinity to find a family for them, willing to the due checks… Let alone find pre-and post-custody checks and appropriate relays.

I remember that even our quietest, when we are for example from vet. They become very agitated and can scratch.. Because they are afraid of the new environment.

How many would like a kitty that doesn’t even show up, without knowing if and when it will be domesticate?
It could be completely different from what you imagined. And then?

We will feel dying to know that they are far away, are hurting and we can not do anything-
Because we feel what they feel, we feel their emotions, if they’re sick we’re hurting together.

With this we want to say that we ask for a huge apology, especially to those who follow us from Germany, reads our posts, helps us, does not judge us… Now he’s passionate about our affair.
And it is absolutely no distrust, because we do not care if the adoptants are Italians or if they are abroad.. The problem is just the distance.

We are sorry because we are honored that from so far you choose one of our invisible, but please consider the reasons listed above, and think of a timid and frightened little beast that would suffer a great deal for such a trip, and that could in cases Extremes… even not getting to the destination.

We do not ask you to agree but at least to try to understand us.

Thank you, always for everything and forgive us.

Rain, Blueberry and Hikari