Ogni aiuto è prezioso per i nostri mici,  Tutto Associazione

Distance adoptions

The best way you can help our cats…

Remote Adoption

A little help but continuative that allows us to better manage the needs of our cats…

Do you care about the fate of our kittens, but the work or size of your home does not allow you? You have health problems or trips often to not be able to keep with you a kitty…
. Now you can choose to adopt a cat from a distance.

Some cats, because adults or a little ‘ scalcagnati, are not taken into account by those who want to adopt and others, it must be said, are so well in Cologne that deprive them of their feline affections would be almost an injustice….

For many of them, unfortunately, the possibilities of being adopted are very small, for several reasons: there are those who have health problems, those who are elderly, who have a wild character.

These cats, they need attention (food, litter, cleaning) and we need a helping hand in order to guarantee them the best possible life.

We hope for all of them an adoption and we put all our commitment in this, however, realistically, alone we are not able we also need your support. We also understand how, with the times that run, it is not easy to deal with a demanding adoption from the economic point of view, in case it is a kitten with health problems. And that the commitments that daily life imposes on us may not leave the time necessary for the management of a problematic kitty, both in terms of health and character.

Adopting a cat at a distance costs €15.00 per month, a box a day, less expensive than keeping a cat in the house and less demanding, you do not have to worry about what the cat will do in your absence… You don’t have to worry about how good he is. For all this we are-if you decide to adopt one of our cats

The modalities for remote adoption are these: it is possible to pay a symbolic amount for different periods

• 75 Euros for 6 months

• 100 Euros for 12 months

you will receive a certificate of adoption of the kitty you have chosen. To have news about him and his companions just follow our Facebook page or our website.

In case you are adopted or failed, you will be alerted by email with the possibility, without obligation, to choose another cat to adopt.

If you change your “lifestyle” and you have the opportunity to host your own cat and want it, you can decide to make adoption definitive and real taking it home with you.

If you want to interrupt the adoption report you will be free to do so without any pressure from us: the adoption must be a gesture of love, not compulsion.

How do you adopt a cat from a distance?
• By monthly transfer to current account payable to:

Association The Voice of Cats –

Headquarters of Eraclea (VE)

IBAN code: IT23J0200836091000104784887

Causale: Distance Adoption “cat name”

• By sending a NON-Transferable cheque to the registered office of the Association: the Voice of Cats, Via Giacomo Puccini, 9/A-30020 Eraclea (VE).
• Via Paypal: thevoiceofcats@petlover.com


Watch our cats available for adoption remotely read their story and fall in love in one of them…:

We are many but we are well together…

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