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The story of the Voice of Cats

For those who still do not know, we tell you why this association was founded…
Christiane Panciera and Roby Gatta Bruniero have known themselves on the Internet, or rather, on Facebook..
Already at the time Roby had welcomed at home more than 150 cats in need of help.. And Christiane followed some colonies in the pinewood of about 30 cats..
The plan initially was to be able to facilitate a little life in Roby, since neither of them was able to manage all this alone for a long time..
The biggest problem had already been the fact that Roby had to leave the house.. One of the two (Christiane) thought she could use her perfect knowledge of the German language, combined with the perfect knowledge of Roby's Italian, in order to reach as much people as possible, even beyond the borders of our countries, so that they could Count on more aid… The thing initially worked… From both nations came aid, but then the thing changed… No one can explain why the aid from Italy became less and fewer, until they were lately practically completely absent…

Our dream has always been, and it is still, to help the best the cats we started to take care of even years before, and to help many others since unfortunately there are many… This is our story, the story of Roby, Christiane and more than 180 cats…


We want to continue to live our dream, and in order to do it we need help.. Help from all of you!

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